Pain Management

Pain is itself a nature’s gift which tells us that “something is wrong & needs attention”. Specially when the pain gets chronic, one needs a proper medication for permanent relief.


Migraine, sciatica, frozen shoulder, spondylitis, abdominal / digestive disorders, nervine pain, muscle pain etc. are the various painful ailments wherein a poper therapeutic approach is needed to treat the root cause.


Painkillers such as Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Aceclofenac, Ibuprofen etc, taken in above condition, only provide a temporary relief and are harmful in long term. Instead the ‘root cause’ of pain remains inside & gets further progressed.


At our clinic, we find out the root cause of ailments with proper history taking & exmination & suggest appropriate treatment course and medication as per requirement. Conditions wherein the pain has surpassed 6 months & above, ayurvedic method of pain management is the only choice for permanent relief. Here, more the therapies, better & quicker the result.


Another method of pain management widely used in ayurveda is leech therapy. Here, leeches specially cultured for clinical uses are applied to heal various complaints mostly related to pain, insect bite, swelling, skin & blood disorders. Once again, here too, Panchakarma therapies prove to be real ‘pain healers’ in all kind of painful conditions.
